
First days of college

I started college on Tuesday and it surely was different from what I was used to in high school. By the end of the week, I got used to transporting myself daily and getting around the campus as well. I only hate the cold weather, not good at all. Its always cold and Friday was terrible. Am excited for what's to come next, hopefully it goes great.


After a snowy day...

...all that was left was ice -_-

Feet in the snow

Happy child





Love :]


Moving on

When it's time to let go, you know...
Casting away all troubles -_-


Happy New Year

It's another year...1-1-11. I will enter this year with an open mind, and will also try to let go off some things as well. Moving on to something better in my life, more blessings :). Have a happy new year people and Happy Birthday to the best mum ever!

Much Love