
Love Things

 So today I sat down to actually blog. Yesterday has to be the saddest day ever with tears and all. Its like I got injected with the worst mood swing. First off it started from what I had read >_<  and I couldn't even tell if it was directed at me. Then the second guessing. And next bad news. It didn't even end there! Then I got to think about relationships and all. Its just not fair to have it one sided especially when the other party really likes you and you can't learn to appreciate them. At the end of the day when he or she leaves, you'd realise what you lost just by being a douche. It saddens me to see this happens, I'm like why are you even with this person who doesn't treat you right? It doesn't make sense. But o well, whatever happens.

Well well...my case is different. Not sure where to start. I just wish we were closer, no distance, no oceans separating us. I won't deny that am so in love with this guy. I dunno, I just hate to be filled with so much uncertainties...what if(s), but(s) ...and all. I need reassurance, I need him to tell him everything's gonna be fine, that he's got me, and he wants me to be his baby...and no-one else. If this doesn't turn out exactly how I'd want, its gonna be sad. Then I'd say its yet another lesson learned right? :( I'm tired of lessons already, I want to be serious and I need someone to take me seriously. I can't even go on right now. Okay that's it, bye!

This song just describes him (below's the first part of the song)
My whole life has changedSince you came in, I knew back thenYou were that special oneI'm so in love, so deep in love

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