
Abuse ...Help a soul today :)

 So I read a girl's TL (timeline) on Twitter and apparently she has been sexually abused for years by people her father had set her up with (judging from what I read). He seemed to derive some kind of crazy pleasure from actually asking her about her encounters with these males and that was crazy. Well noone really paid attention to her or understood how much holding such in had done to her psychologically. She wound up cutting herself and she ended up committing suicide a few hours ago :'( (Heart breaking). RIP AshleyBillasano

I didn't know who this girl was until today but it's saddening to read her story and know not one person stepped up to the plate to actually help her. I bet people care freely called her names like "hoe", "slut", or "bitch" then went around being their normal self. Being judgemental comes so easy for us that we don't know how our speech can mentally affect a person, after all we aren't in their shoes and we don't know what the hell they are going through, or have been through.

Any form of abuse is uncalled for, be it physical abuse, mental abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, and the likes. Past experiences won't even make me go down this lane in details because I do have an idea of this and it isn't pretty.

Seriously if anyone's trying to hurt you or hurt you in anyway against your will,

  • it is best for you to speak up! 
  • Talk to someone you can confide in, 
  • get help, 
This seems harder but I really hope anyone getting abused has the courage to stand up & say NO!
This blog post is dedicated to Ashley, I know you're in a better place and I pray whosoever had a hand in this get what's coming to them.


  1. Dear Ashley,
    I may not have known you, but I read your beautiful poem of your terrifying story. You are such a brave girl and I know that you are in a better place now. May your beautiful soul find peace up in Heaven.

  2. Thanks Ana for the comment...& Amen
