
Me as a "friend" & Having friends

I know I'm not the only one who has ever wondered who my "real friends" are. I know I am not really a nice person. I have heard folks/friends call me "mean" either jokingly or seriously. At the end of the day, I always wonder why people even like me. I don't have many friends but I talk to a lot of people. I can count my friends with my finger tips and I bet they aren't up to ten. I have associates, and they are folks I talk to at random or for different reasons at the end of the day I really won't consider them as a friend because I don't trust them, won't be able to care for them deeply and wouldn't normally do things for them as I would if they were my close friends.

Do people consider me a friend? Someone they can talk to at any time? * shrugs* I don't know. I couldn't answer that myself because I can't say I know what goes through their minds or even what they think about me. Days back I said "I wonder how my friends cope with me" and one of my friend replied saying "You don't wanna know". I don't blame him -_- I know I'm a very difficult person, I am very blunt and will not hesitate to say what's on my mind. Yes I might get irrational, uninterested, or annoying occasionally. That's the way I am. I might get to like a person and randomly stop talking to them for a reason or none :) I don't like to get attached to people because folks are so unreliable and so I am. You might see me and like me if you meet me for the first time or talk to me for the first time or you may not even like me.

One person I respect is my best friend "Ese" Cut33ssay on Twitter :) We've been friends for over 2 years. She knows me well enough. Whenever I change my mind and don't wanna say anything to her she tells me "Don't you dare say never mind" lol. At the end of the day I tell her whatever it is I want to even after hesitating at first. We don't talk on a daily basis but I have her in mind and no matter what I know she's always going to be here even if I go away without saying a word for a week or two (sounds selfish but its true). Whenever I act rather immaturely, or get mad and don't say anything to her, she always says hi first :P even when I'm in the wrong. She also knows my misfortunes with boys lol but yeah that's a story for another day. I know I don't appreciate her well enough but I love her to the death. 

See, if you have a friend like this be nice, grateful, and respect them more often. Don't be a bitch like me :( I know I have my moments. Don't judge me either. I might be mean, I might seem like I could care less about your problems and all but I'm not scary. If you want to get to know me, I'll make time for that to happen -_- Well I might but o well. This is exactly what people who are my friends go through *sigh*.

Anyway, hope you can be a better friend to the ones who regard you as a "friend" !


  1. My baby, this is a brilliant piece. U re improving by d day :) Abt d post, yeah, u cud be a meanie sometimes, but i still love u tho :*

  2. Yay ! :D Thanks, finally I see your comment on my blog. I try to be nice tho; and I love you too :*
